Birthday??! Can’t a kid stay a kid??!

13 03 2008

Another year.  Do they come quicker as you have more?  Maybe it’s like a snowball rolling down a hill…once it starts rolling, it just picks up speed (until it crashes at the bottom! HA!). 

I had a great one this year.  2008 has started off great, fun memories, great friends in my life, wonderful experiences.  I can’t wait to see what’s around the corner.

What better gift than for a singing telegram complete with birthday cake, balloons, pointed hats & some Heineken to show up at your door?!!  Now that’s good stuff.  Although I must admit, chocolate cake and beer don’t “leave” as quickly as they used to.  As I get older, I keep loosing hair and metabolism…if you see either of mine lying around, shoot me a note and I will come pick them back up and return them to their rightful owner.

 Singing Telegram - Chris & LV

Thanks to everyone who made my birthday a special day and reminding me how loved I am!!




One response

14 03 2008

That is so wonderful…I am glad you had a great birthday!!! Wish I could’ve been there.

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